By David H. Urmann
Airplane scale model kits for certain aircraft models don’t include radio antennas in the package. You have to make these radio antennas yourself. You can simply use a sprue for making these.
Learning to build model airplanes entails patience and dedication but once you’ve put your best effort into this activity, the results are astonishing. These days, more and more people from kids to adults are into this activity.
Before you start building model airplanes, it is important that you research and know more about the original aircraft. You can find references on your scale model kit. You will fins photos, documentation, the color schemed, time period, details, pilot, markings and even the necessary modifications for the particular version of aircraft model.
For this activity, materials you need include the glue, paint, thinner, decal setting solutions, tools and others. As soon as you begin building your plastic scale model airplane, make sure you read its instructions carefully.
The first thing you’ll set-up are its interiors. This will include the seatbelts, seat, gauges, instrument panels, oxygen tanks, engine, dials and other fine detailing for the interior section of your model airplane. From this part will affect the overall accuracy of your scale model. For experience modelers, they utilize after-market parts for these detailed areas. They also magnify the original photos for reference.
Although it will be hard for beginners, once you’ve mastered the techniques, you’ll find building model airplanes interesting, enjoyable and easy. Even your scale models will look authentic. As a rule, don’t regard your plastic scale model as a toy. These aircraft models are very delicate to handle. For model airplane hobbyists, holding a legendary airplane, even in its miniature form, is a rewarding experience. With the wide range of model airplanes to choose from, you’ll surely find a plastic scale model the pokes your interest.
Radio Antenna Wires
Radio antenna wires are essential pieces for your model airplane but these are actually not included in scale model kits. This means, you can only build a radio antenna from scratch.
A “sprue is the extra material used in holding the parts of the model airplane together. Before you start making a radio antenna, cut a straight piece with about 4 to 5 inches of sprue.
Light up a candle and then hold the sprue about – 1.5 inches far from the flame. Next, hold the plastic on each end in-between your fingers so that you can rotate your sprue back and forth. Once the sprue becomes glossy, you’ll feel it soften ad would appear to sag.
Move your sprue far from the flame and start stretching it. With careful and steady paces, expand the sprue until you’ve reached the desired thickness. Just be patient. It will take 10 minutes for the sprue to completely harden.
The next step is to cut the required length for your model airplane. To attach the ends to your scale model, use super glue. Glue one end first and wait 10 minutes before you start on the other end. You can cut off excess sprue with a clipper.
For aircrafts like the Me109, you’ll find ground wires from the aircrafts main antenna towards the fuselage. It is important to replicate these details. Just use a sprue from the model airplane for the details. You use the same technique mentioned above.
Just glue one end onto the main wire with the Tenax-7R. This will result to a slight melt appearance in the plastic. By applying some pressure through tweezers, you can secure the attachment. It will take 15 minutes until it dries completely.
Lastly, use a pin vise to drill a hole to the fuselage of your model airplane prior to attaching the other end. To attach your ground wire’s other end; utilize a tiny drop of Tenax-7R. A good alternative is super glue.
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