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Successful results of plastic surgery
Bobby Ryatt
Surgeons in a USs, Louisville hospital give two constructive surgery patents a chance to enjoy the pleasure of throwing a ball and having both hands after loosing them in accidents years ago. The pleasure of enjoyment of the end result can often out weigh the pain of undergoing such surgical procedures, surgeons world wide are able to perform today. The personal choice of plastic surgery procedures are very much dependent on what you desire at the end of your operation.
One on the first successful plastic surgery operations was performed on Matt Scott of N.J. Mays Landing. Matt had lost his hand in a freak fireworks accident back in 1985. Matt Scott decided to undergo constructive plastic surgery in a Louisville hospital, the surgical procedure which took many hours of surgery and after care was a success and the patent enjoys the use of both his hands today.
The second successful plastic surgery operation was carried out by the same hospital in 2001 on another patent from Michigan . Jerry Fisher a contractor who had lost his hand in an accident. Although there have been several successful complete hand transplant operations carried in hospitals all over the world. It takes a very skilled and experienced surgical team to carry out such transplant procedures and equally dedicated team of physiotherapists to teach the patent how to use his new hand.
The third man to have a complete hand transplant procedure carried out on him was David Savage also from Michigan. Underwent hours of surgery carried out by over 30 doctors who prepared the patient for his new hand from the donor. Dr Warren Breidenbach who was the lead surgeon is quoted as saying that Savage is doing exactly as they had expected.
Savage who had lost his hand 30 years ago in an accident is delighted with his new hand. The hand was successfully reconstructed and transplanted by the Surgeons using surgical skills that involved making the hand look like the rest of Mr Savages body.
If it wasnt for the contribution of skills of plastic surgeons or cosmetic surgeons Mrs Savage would have only known her husband as having one hand as that is how she had meet him all the years they had been married.
Such are the joys of successful plastic surgery, When asked how he felt the patient is quoted as saying I feel good, I am amazed It looks good. To tell you the truth, the day I woke up from surgery, it was like waking up from a 32-year sleep. I looked down, I saw it and it was like it was never gone. It was amazing.
I am looking forward to throwing a ball when he was asked what he was going to do in future. His wife said he always told me he was going to have two hands someday. He was serious and it has come through. This has been made possible by the great team of surgeons, the application of constructive surgery, plastic / cosmetic surgery and all of the other surgical skills.
Such Joys of successful plastic surgery are possible but what is equally important before such surgical procedures are undertaken is the physiological preparation of ones self and a grate place to start is Lifeplasticsurgery website that has a lot of information and answers to some of the concerns related to life changing surgical procedures.
It is very important to find out all you can and read as many articles related to plastic surgery, constructive surgery, cosmetic surgery and other related topics. Finding some of the top surgeons at prices that suit your budget. Checking the clinic and the Surgeons credentials and history. Remember such procedures are not cheap and in most cases they are not covered under most medical insurance policies.
Lifeplasticsurgery website is a must visit for anyone considering or seeking information relating to life changing surgical procedures, whether it is to enhance ones physical appearance, to remedy a birth defect or simply a look and feel good surgical procedure. Always remember to find out all the facts and information before taking the decision to go under the knife of a skilful plastic surgeon. Ask to speak to some of their patients and check for the current and up to date registration with the authorities of the clinic and the surgeon.
Whilst the clich about no pain no gain is true to some extent it is important to understand what is involved, in what ever cosmetic / plastic surgery procedure you are considering. A simple face lift procedure for instance involves open wound surgery where the surgeon enters and separates the skin from the bone and flesh. Then the skin is stretched to join at strategic facial lines where the stitches will be hidden. If the surgeon is slightly complacent during this surgical procedure you could end up loosing all feeling and sensation in your face. Not forgetting the dangers of infection. Lifeplasticsurgery website can highlight some of these issues and offer solutions through the wealth of informative articles and resources.
Finally when contemplating plastic surgery the most important thing to remember is, look in to the credentials and case history of the surgeon that will be performing the procedures on you because you have to look at the results for the rest of your life. There have been cases of extreme irreversible disfigurement during common surgical procedure such as facelifts and boob jobs and so on. Provided you chose the right surgeon or the surgical team there is no reason why you should not be fully satisfied with the results of your procedure.
Bobby Ryatt, writes articles on various subjects and has a treasure chest of information and resources for you to at.www.lifeplasticsurgery.comhttp://lifeplasticsurgery.blogspot.com
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Successful results of plastic surgery}